
This is a new program, spread over six months and tailored to your personal needs will help you develop your personal art practice and work toward a final agreed outcome.


Through workshops at my studio once or twice a month. Each mentoring session will be from 11am to 5pm and cost $100.00 per session. You can chose depending on your ambitions, it will cost between $600 at once a month to $1200 if you do twice a month and so on.


Minimum will be once a month, session from 11-5 PM. Between the sessions you will do Self Directed Learning and we will be in contact via email and or Skype if required.


The Full amount of tuition/mentoring has to be paid in the first three months.


The same program can be done over through Skype, only sessions will last 3 hours each.


Learning outcomes could include developing work for an exhibition or simply to create a body of work that will start you on your way toward further development of you current art practice.



Painting used for the background is EYE OF GOD, oil on canvas, 76 X 101 cm, available as limited edition



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