Saturday and Sunday 15 and 16 February, 11 am – 4 pm, Te Atatu Studio
One day $150, two $275
Contact Nemesh on 027 2244443
Saturday and Sunday 22 and 23 February 2025, 11 am – 4 pm, Reyburn House, Reyburn House Lane.
You will need to bring TWO canvases canvas medium medium size (eg. 50 X 40cm, 50 X 50cm, 40 X 30cm, 50 X 30cm) PER DAY.
Please go for canvases with thick stretcher bars, for example DAS exhibition canvases which you can find in Arthur’s Emporium, Whangarei.
Price $175 for one day, $300 for the weekend.
Early bird discount: $275 if you book before end of January 2025.
Saturday and Sunday 22 and 23 March 2025, 11 am – 4 pm, The Sanctuary, Fernside.
Price $375 for both days, $350 if you book and pay before 1st March 2025
Date to be announced, Infinity Spiritual Centre, 550 Anglesea Street, Hamilton,
Date to be announced, 11 am – 4 pm, The Old Trentham Station, 81 Ararino St, Upper Hutt.
Want me to teach a workshop in your area?
Simply contact me and we’ll see what we can arrange. I’m happy to fly to anywhere in the world to teach – just let me know where you are and how many people you could organize to join us. It’s not as difficult as it sounds – just contact a local painting group if you’re not already in one and put the idea to them.
For instance to fly to the United States for a workshop I would need about 10-15 people for a 2 day class paying $150USD each per day. The closer you are to New Zealand (where I live) the cheaper the workshop would be – Australia would cost about $130AUD each per day.
Contact me to talk about a organizing a group workshop.
Weekdays classes, 11 am – 2 pm (days depend on availability). Please contact me for details
Vjekoslav Nemesh is a world-renowned artist and inspiring art tutor based in Auckland. Born in Petrovaradin, the former Yugoslavia (Serbia now), his exceptional drawing skills and interest in comics led him to pursue a career in art. With over 40 years of experience in the field, Nemesh has become a multi-award-winning artist, with his work featured in collections throughout Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Asia, and New Zealand.
Nemesh’s teaching methods are designed to help students express themselves with oil colours and find their own unique style in painting. He is dedicated to helping his students develop their skills and creativity, and his approachable and supportive teaching style makes him a popular choice for aspiring artists of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, Vjekoslav Nemesh’s tutelage will help you take your art to the next level.
This workshop is designed for those that range from no experience at all to, medium experienced students who have been painting already. Vjekoslav Nemesh is an established artist with more than thirty years experience in the field. His teaching methods will show you how to express yourself with oil colors and enable you to find your own unique style in painting.
Through a set of exercises students will be able to learn how to handle oil using different tools and techniques.
I developed this easy to follow program for my summer school and therefore if you are coming to any of these weekend workshops that will be the program you will follow each time:
Day 1:
First half: Guided painting.
Though this exercise students will become familiar on how to use the palette knife and how this is used to blend colors. As well as this students will also learn how to use dry brushes and color shapers.
Second half: Students will learn how to ‘play’ with the colors by using warm palettes and the tools from the previous exercise.
Day 2:
First half: Layering in Green
Using color shapers and dry brushes, students will learn the technique on how to create ‘depth in the painting’ by using a simple image of a Koru (or an abstract of the Koru) by again using various tools to achieve this effect.
Second Half: playing with colors using the colors magenta, blue green and white.
Day 3:
First half: Guided Sunset
This exercise is similar to the first one but with a little twist. This is a reminder of how to ‘blend’ colors using the palette knife technique, as it is a technique many students can easily forget.
Second half: Dirty brush exercise.
Using the same brush’s from previous exercise and a little linseed oil, students will learn the technique of how to blend colors and then play with the various tools. They can also use this technique on some unfinished canvas pieces created from the previous days which have already completely dried.
Day 4:
First half: Tropical Seascape.
Students will now learn how to create a simple seascape painting.
Second half: Playing with the sand.
Here students will learn how to create the sand color which will then be applied across the canvas using various tools.
Day 5:
First half: Color wheel.
Through this exercise students will learn the simple technique of how to blend colors in such a way that they will not end up with muddy colors.
Second half: Color wheel another way.
Through this exercise students will learn how to create secondary colors by combining and mixing the primary colors.
Day 6: Painting face. This exercise takes a whole day and here students will follow a step by step instruction on how to paint the female face.
Day 7:
Students will choose from various fractal images, and then with the tools learnt from the previous exercises use these as an inspiration to create a whole new and exciting painting.
Day 8: Silver and Gold leaf
Students will now learn how apply gold and silver leaf on certain parts of the canvas. Later they will be able to create a dynamic and unique painting using various tools and techniques and the application of a fast drying medium.
What students need to bring:
Minimum 2 medium size canvases per day (eg. 50 X 40cm, 50 X 50cm, 40 X 30cm, 50 X 30cm) Please go for canvases with thick stretcher bars, for example DAS exhibition canvases which you can find in Warehouse stationary.
Prices for classes in my studio in Auckland:
11 am till 4 pm $ NZ 155.00, two days $NZ 295
11 am till 2 PM $ NZ 95.00
Prices include all materials except canvas. You will need to bring your
own medium size canvas (eg. 50 X 40cm, 50 X 50cm, 40 X 30cm, 50 X 30cm)
For longer sessions you will need 2 canvases.
Please contact Vjekoslav:
Mobile: 027 22 4444 3
If you are outside Auckland, please contact Nemesh to arrange classes in your area. All you need to do is arrange a venue and minimum number of 6 other people, and you get your class FREE. Price may vary due to travel and accommodation costs.
This is a new program, spread over six months and tailored to your personal needs will help you develop your personal art practice and work toward a final agreed outcome.
Through workshops at my studio once or twice a month. Each mentoring session will be from 11am to 4pm and cost around $135.00 per session. You can chose depending on your ambitions, it will cost between $800 at once a month to $1600 if you do twice a month and so on.
Minimum will be once a month, session from 11-4 PM. Between the sessions you will do Self Directed Learning and we will be in contact via email and or zoom if required.
The Full amount of tuition/mentoring has to be paid in the first three months.
The same program can be done over through zoom, only sessions will last 2-3 hours each.
Learning outcomes could include developing work for an exhibition or simply to create a body of work that will start you on your way toward further development of you current are art practice.
To all my students, don’t be shy to share your new paintings with me. I like to see your process of development and I want to build gallery with your new works on my web site!
Check samples of the work done in Summer Schools